Bioidentical hormones have a chemical structure which is identical to the body’s naturally occurring hormones and are different from the synthetic and Body Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy the NHS can prescribe for you (as long as there are no manufacturing or supply issues). These are made by large pharmaceutical companies who mass manufacture the medication at set doses. This means you can have an adjustment to your HRT but it cannot be individualised for you and your specific needs. This one size fits all approach tends not to work for many women, and in our experience, there is a tendency to feel a little better and then put up with any residual symptoms because you think the small improvement is better than nothing.
“My hot flushes have gone which is amazing, but I am still so tired in the afternoons…”
Here at The Bespoke Clinic we want our patients to have the all the safe options for hormone replacement and therefore we are able to prescribe both Bioidentical HRT and Body Identical HRT. We will understand your needs and advise according to our medical knowledge and evidence base as well as considering your views. Bioidentical HRT is not licensed and there is controversy around it because of this, however we must remember there are many unlicensed medications around and it is important, as with all medication that you have a safe clinical practitioner and regular monitoring.
What if I am not sure if I can use hormone replacement therapy because of my past medical history?
We understand some women cannot use hormone treatment because of their past medical history, in particular some hormone dependent cancers. There are other options out there which are not always recognised or fully explored and this can leave some women struggling. Hormonal imbalance is multifactorial, and although we may have deficiencies because of age or other conditions, we need to remember there are so many things we all should do to enhance our hormonal balance and wellbeing and many of these options are available, here at The Bespoke Clinic.
What can Bioidentical HRT be used for?
Both Men and Women can be prescribed hormone treatment for various conditions but commonly they are used for:
Perimenopause, Andropause, Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), Thyroid Dysfunction amongst other conditions.
Please contact us to see if you may benefit from Bioidentical HRT.