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The Benefits

Counselling is a therapy, allowing you to have a safe space to talk to a trained professional about your issues or concerns. They are not there to give you a ‘quick fix’ or judge you or prescribe you medication. They will help you feel more confident about talking about your feelings and work out how to approach handling them, so you have the tools to manage yourself in the future.

Counselling tends to be pre-planned, and run for several sessions, usually 6. This time allows you to build a rapport with the counsellor, plan and do some of the work to improve your wellbeing.

Your journey starts here...

Here at The Bespoke Clinic, we have a trained counsellor, Joyce. She will guide you to develop strategies and solve problems, importantly helping you build self-awareness and boundaries. If Joyce feels you need more specialist input, we have access to our psychologist as well and can tap into her expertise at any time.

Read more about counselling and what to expect in Joyce’s Blog

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