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Vitamins and Minerals

There are so many supplements on the market and it is important that we understand that firstly our diet needs to be in check, with high-quality nutrients where possible, to include a variety of fruit, vegetables, seeds, nuts (if no allergies) and meat or plant-based protein.

The trouble is, the quality of our soil has deteriorated over many years, so even when we do our best to buy high-quality produce, even from organic farms or local grocers, we cannot guarantee the nutrient levels within that food. Studies have shown that we can even try and grow our own food in our own composted soil, and still not reach the levels of nutrients we had 30 years ago.

There is some controversy around taking supplements, especially vitamins and minerals, however, in our medical opinion it is important to supplement our good nutrition with a little extra if we can. We only buy high-quality, evidence-based supplements from suppliers who are robust in their own safety and standard checks.

Get in touch with us

We can discuss what may help you, and as always at The Bespoke Clinic, this will be customised to your needs and consider your eating habits, gut health, overall health, symptoms, macronutrients, micronutrients and suggest further specialist investigation.

The Nutrition Coach at The Bespoke Clinic can further advise on this specialist area and develop a meal plan or habits with you to keep things on track.

We will always thrive to give you a holistic approach to your care and involve the super professionals we have at The Bespoke Clinic.

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