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What is testosterone?

Testosterone is a vital hormone present in both men and women, required for the normal development of the body, reproduction, our brain health, and our circulatory system. It also helps the regulation of other hormones.

Men have around 10-20 times the amount of testosterone that women have. Low levels of testosterone can have a varying impact on your health, physically, socially, and emotionally.

Testosterone in men and women


Some studies have found that a man’s testosterone starts to drop in their 30’s, much sooner than a woman’s and interestingly, there is an increase in the number of men with a low testosterone in men on a population level. This is being attributed to poor lifestyle, environmental toxins, mental health but studies continue to explore this to see what can be done to halt the decline.

Symptoms in Men

  • poor sex drive
  • fewer erections
  • tiredness
  • weight gain
  • emotional issues
  • brain fog


A drop in a woman’s testosterone level can be part of normal ageing, as we hit the perimenopause, or it can be surgically induced, for example if ovaries have been removed.

Symptoms in Women

  • Libido
  • Poor Memory
  • Reduced Muscle mass
  • Sense of poor wellbeing
  • Low confidence or low motivation
  • Poor energy

TRT may be required to help some symptoms and there is good evidence that it can work. It is only licensed for Men in the UK. Here at The Bespoke Clinic, we have the expertise to offer TRT to women as well but this is ‘off license’ at present. There are many groups lobbying for this to be made available in the UK, as we know it can work

For all patients, we would explore your symptoms in a thorough consultation, and establish if they could be associated with a low testosterone, we will investigate by way of bloods and then determine if TRT may work for you.

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